Healthy, Glowing Skin
This light laser peel removes a thin layer of damaged skin to improve skin tone and provide a more youthful appearance. Removing the top layer of skin eliminates some of the damaged cells that can give skin a tired, aged look. The result is healthier-looking skin, often with reduced fine lines and improved color evenness.
Our Lunchtime Laser Peel uses Sciton® technology, and can be compared to a microdermabrasion but at a stronger depth. The procedure can be custom-tailored to your specific skin conditions and desired outcome. The laser beam is scanned over a treatment area to remove a very thin layer of the skin. Plus it activates messenger cells to trigger the body’s natural healing process.
As the skin heals, fresh cells grow and resurface the treated area. The result is healthier-looking skin, often with reduced wrinkles and improved color evenness. Patients often say that it looks like their skin went from looking tired to vibrant.
What Conditions Does the Lunchtime Laser Peel Treat?
Conditions that can be treated by the Lunchtime Laser Peel include mild wrinkles, scars, keratosis, sun damage and pigment irregularities. Most skin areas can be treated, with the most popular treatment areas being the face and neck, though some people also treat the chest and hands.
What is the Lunchtime Laser Peel Treatment Like?
Your skin will be cleaned in the treatment area and your eyes will be protected with safety shields. Our Medical Aesthetician will position the laser hand piece above the skin and will hold it in place as the computer-guided scanner moves the laser beam around the treatment area. Depending on the size of the area being treated, the procedure usually lasts 20 to 30 minutes.
One of the primary advantages of the Lunchtime Laser Peel is that it causes little pain because it does not penetrate very deeply into the skin. At its most shallow settings, most people can tolerate treatment with no anesthetic at all. Immediately after the treatment you will notice that the skin has a “frosty” appearance. This is the dehydrated skin that will peel away over the next few days following the treatment. You may experience some skin redness and a sensation resembling sunburn, as well as mild swelling. Additionally, your skin will begin to peel 2 to 3 days post treatment.
Because only the outer layer of skin is treated, most patients notice an obvious improvement in tone, texture and color evenness once the skin heals in approximately 5 to 7 days.
Consult With Dr. Gregory Wiener Today
If you have any questions about our Lunchtime Laser Peel, or if you are ready to undergo the treatment, call 773.763.3990 or submit an online contact form to our office. Dr Wiener will guide you through the process of rejuvenating your face and giving it the youthful glow you deserve.