Breast Augmentation (Breast Implants) in Chicago, IL

Improve Your Self Confidence With Breast Augmentation Surgery in Chicago, IL

Dr. Wiener remains a leader in the Chicago area in breast augmentation surgery. Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed by Dr. Wiener and his surgical staff. For many women who have never had the fullness they wanted or who have experienced the thinning, deflation, and drooping of the breast that comes with aging, pregnancy, and weight fluctuations, the placement of breast implants can bring back the shape and firmness that the breasts once had, and even add a little more!

Breast Augmentation Chicago IL

Other issues such as breast asymmetry and congenital malformations of the breasts and chest can be corrected by the placement of breast implants. In many cases, breast augmentation surgery is combined with a breast lift for the best possible results.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

Breast Implants Chicago IL

Even more so than some other cosmetic procedures, breast augmentation is a completely personal decision and the reasons are varied. If you’re a woman who’s always felt her breasts were not proportional with the rest of your figure, augmentation can change that. If your breasts are asymmetrical (most women’s are, to some degree), augmentation can correct that. If you’ve lost volume or your breasts have flattened with age, augmentation can return volume. Or, if you simply would like to have larger breasts and a curvier figure, augmentation’s the way to go.

Dr. Wiener insists on one criterion with his augmentation patients — the decision to augment your breasts needs to be made for you. It can’t be for a partner or a spouse who’s pushing you. This needs to be something you want to do.

If you are older and have had children, you may want to have a breast lift along with your augmentation with Dr. Wiener. That way, he can remove any excess sagging skin prior to placing your implants.

Breast augmentation is a very satisfying procedure and it features the highest satisfaction level among plastic surgery procedures, so once you make the decision to proceed odds are you’ll like the end result.

What Can I Expect During My Breast Augmentation Consultation?

Your consultation with Dr. Wiener is a give-and-take process that allows him to understand your goals and allows you to get a feel for him. There are aspects of this procedure that you may not be aware of, such as the option of newer gummy bear implants. You may not understand the pluses and minuses of various incision locations. Saline versus silicone? What are the risks? You’ll discuss all of these issues.

We have the latest in digital imaging so you can visualize how different sizes of implants and different implant projection characteristics will look on you. That takes away much of the anxiety about how various implants will look on your figure.

Plus, we’ll have you look through Dr. Wiener’s before and after galleries with previous breast augmentation patients. Odds are you’ll find a body similar to yours.

By the time your consultation is over, you should feel at ease with this process. You can then head home equipped to make your final decision, or to simply move forward.

Breast Augmentation Procedure

During a breast augmentation, breasts implants are placed through incisions made in inconspicuous places to minimize scar visibility (around the lower edge of the areola, in the fold beneath the breast, or in the underarm area.) The incisions are closed with a medical grade adhesive to avoid stitch marks and provide a better scar. The breast implants are placed behind each breast, underneath the chest muscle. Placement under the muscle offers a few advantages over the placement of the breast implants under the breasts tissue only.

Breast Augmentation Surgery Chicago IL

These include a more natural, softer result, reduced risk of post-operative firmness due to scar tissue (capsular contracture) and less interference with eventual mammogram examinations. The procedure is done in our Chicago location under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. Procedure time is typically 1 to 1.5 hours.

Breast Augmentation Surgery Recovery

Dr. Wiener minimizes the post-operative discomfort by placing a pain-pump underneath the chest muscle at the time of your breast augmentation surgery. This tiny (1.0-mm in diameter) catheter is attached to a small noiseless pump that the patient clips to her clothing for the first 48 hours after the procedure. The pump infuses local anesthesia continuously underneath the chest muscle, essentially numbing the tissues and decreasing the discomfort significantly. Oral pain medication will also be used to control post-operative discomfort. After surgery, a soft support bra with a wrap around the chest is worn for the first several days.

Most patients feel tired and sore after breast augmentation surgery, and there is some degree of mild bruising and swelling. The pain-pump catheters are removed painlessly at the first post-operative visit (48-hours after surgery.) There are no stitches to remove. Dr. Wiener will instruct you regarding arm raising exercises and massaging of the implants. Most patients return to work after one week. Light, low impact workouts can begin as early as 3 weeks after breast augmentation surgery. This would include a stationary bicycle, brisk walking or the Stairmaster. Most strenuous activity, including jogging, swimming and weight-lifting, should be avoided for up to 6 weeks.

Breast Augmentation Before & After Photos

before and after Breast Implants Chicago IL
before and after breast augmentation Chicago IL

Is Augmentation Safe? What Are the Risks?

Breast augmentation with Dr. Wiener is major surgery, and it has the risks involved with any surgery: anesthesia reaction, bleeding, infection, and such.

For augmentation, there are some specific risks. These include the loss of nipple or breast sensation, implant leakage or rupture (if the implant is somehow nicked during placement), or improper positioning.

The main enduring risk or problem with implants is capsular contracture. When a foreign object, like a breast implant or artificial knee, is placed in the body, the body responds by building scar tissue around it. If the scar tissue development becomes too aggressive, it may deform the implants and cause them to feel overly firm or hard. If this happens, they will need to be replaced and the excess scar tissue removed.

Otherwise, numerous studies by the FDA and numerous others organizations have found no link between breast implants and autoimmune or other systemic diseases.

Should I Wait Until I Am Finished Having Children to Have Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation can be confused with a breast lift. Because of the incisions made with a breast lift, patients need to be finished having children and breastfeeding before they have a lift.

This is not the case with breast augmentation. Breast implants are not affected by the gain in size of the breasts during pregnancy and breastfeeding. There is a slight risk of the milk ducts being damaged during the procedure, however, which may impact future breastfeeding capability. But Dr. Wiener does everything he can to keep breastfeeding capability intact.

Can I Breastfeed After Augmentation?

In most cases, breastfeeding is not impacted at all. The incision location that presents the most risk to the milk ducts is the areola incision, but Dr. Wiener is usually able to avoid any damage to these ducts, preserving breastfeeding potential. Still, there is a chance that breastfeeding could be impacted. The option to ensure it won’t be is to opt for transaxillary placement through the armpits. During your consultation, Dr. Wiener will discuss breastfeeding with you.

Types of Breast Implants

breast Implants surgery Chicago IL

Breast implants may have a smooth surface or a slightly rougher “textured” surface. Textured breast implants may be slightly firmer than smooth implants and are used when implants are being placed above the pectoral (chest) muscle in order to decrease the possibility of thick scar tissue (capsular contracture) forming around the implant. Often, smooth surfaced breast implants are placed beneath the pectoral muscle because capsular contracture rates are the same or lower than textured breast implants when the placement is “sub-muscular.”

The new, “highly cohesive” or “form stable” breast implants are also textured because the implant is teardrop shaped and needs to adhere to the surrounding tissues so it can’t shift or rotate within the pocket. This would result in a change in breast shape.

Dr. Wiener will spend all the time needed to inform you and discuss your specific breast augmentation goals. This will include a detailed discussion to help you choose the best breast implants for you at your consultation appointment at our Chicago office.

The Difference Between Saline and Silicone Breast Implants

Breast implants are saline (salt water filled) or silicone gel. Both types of implants are high quality and can provide beautiful breast augmentation results.

  • Silicone Breast Implants – Silicone gel has a softer feel and in some, may look more natural. These are newly engineered implants approved by the FDA in November 2006 and are unrelated to the older silicone gel implants, which were taken off the market in 1992. The current silicone gel implants are made using a “cohesive gel”, which is firmer than the more liquid gel used in breast implants prior to 1992. The current silicone implants mimic the look and feel of breast tissue more closely than the older implants. Over 10 years of data from thousands of women enrolled in silicone breast implant studies confirmed the efficacy and safety of these implants prior to 2006. In the years since, we have seen an almost complete shift to silicone implants from saline implants in our Chicago patients.
  • Saline Breast Implants – Saline implants, however, remain a viable option, especially in patients who have fairly thick tissues and skin to begin with. In these patients, the additional firmness and the possibility of feeling the implant are minimized due to thicker tissue coverage over the implant.

Highly Cohesive Gel & Gummy Bear Implants

A new generation of silicone gel implants, the “highly cohesive gel” or “gummy bear” breast implants, were FDA approved in 2012. These silicone gel implants have a shaped, teardrop look and are made of a slightly firmer type of gel. Perfect for use in very thin patients, and in breast reconstruction after cancer surgery, the highly cohesive gel implants have almost none of the folds seen in typical gel (and especially saline) implants.

Folds occur naturally in silicone gel implants and even more so in the saline implant. In thin patients with less breast tissue, these folds could be felt or even seen through the skin. This is called rippling. The highly cohesive, or “form stable” gel implants minimize these potential issues and remain another great option in breast surgery.

Breast Implant Profile

In addition, breast implants can be a low, moderate or high profile. The profile of the implant describes the projection the implant has outward from the chest. It essentially describes how thick the implant is at its thickest point. Higher profile implants project more significantly from the chest wall, while moderate and lower breast implants have a lower profile and therefore would be used for a more subtle breast augmentation or to fill out the breasts, without adding significantly to overall cup size.

Schedule a Consultation With Dr. Wiener!

Contact The Art of Plastic Surgery in Chicago, IL today to learn more about breast augmentation surgery and achieving your aesthetic goals with breast implants! Call 773.763.3990 or fill out our Contact Form today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Wiener. You can also read more about breast augmentation surgery and our other offered services on our blog!

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