If you are unhappy about the appearance of your thighs, perhaps you should consider a Thigh Lift. Over time, gravity and weight fluctuations cause the skin to lose elasticity and muscle tone. Sometimes, this gives way to the appearance of loose, sagging skin around your knees and upper thighs. Dr. Wiener can remove and reposition this excess tissue to improve overall body contour and to smooth out imperfections in the skin.

Medial Thigh Lift
Using hidden incisions in the groin area to lift the upper/inner aspect of the thigh, excess skin and fat is then removed and the inner thigh is pulled up to tighten the area.
Lateral Thigh Lift
A Lateral Thigh Lift is done through incisions concealed along the hip (within the bikini line) to lift the outer thigh and re-contour the sides of the thigh and hips. Because the thighs are also typically an area of excess fat accumulation, liposuction is often added to enhance the overall results.
Thigh Lifts are typically done under general anesthesia, and operative time is approximately 2 hours. If liposuction is added, or if the Thigh Lift is done in combination with other contouring procedures, operative times could be longer.
There will be some degree of bruising and swelling post-operatively, and a compression garment is worn for approximately one month. Post-operative discomfort is controlled with oral pain medications.
Low impact exercise can be started around 4 weeks after surgery, and by 6 weeks, more strenuous activities can be undertaken. Most patients return to work within 1 to 2 weeks post operatively.