Bra-line Back Lift in Chicago, IL

Most people who have lost a significant amount of weight are left with stubborn skin that no longer responds to natural weight loss strategies such as balanced eating or exercise. When this occurs, it can be disheartening to see excess skin on your body despite significant weight loss. Sometimes, this excess skin can be on the back, and many women are unsatisfied with the way this skin looks under the straps of their bras.

Thankfully, a new procedure that targets excess fat and skin on the back has led to an increase in self-confidence among patients. At The Art of Plastic Surgery, we proudly offer our patients our new Bra-Line Back Lift procedure to help target excess skin in this area, leaving your body more contoured and slimmer looking than ever before.

What is a Bra-line Back Lift?

The Bra-Line Back Lift is a surgical, cosmetic procedure that removes sagging skin and excess fat from the back to avoid the appearance of rolls or bulges in this area when wearing tight clothing, such as a bra (hence the name). This procedure is not meant to be a substitute for weight loss, but rather, it helps to contour the body and remove stubborn skin that is unresponsive to regular weight loss habits.

How Will the Bra-line Back Lift Improve My Appearance?

Because this procedure helps tone, contour, and shape the back of the body, patients often find that their figure is slimmer after their procedure, making it easier to wear clothing that fits their body type. This procedure will also eliminate the appearance of sagging, rolls, bulges, and fat that can appear around the tightness of a bra strap. This will no longer be visible under tight shirts or tops after your treatment. Lifting the skin on the back will also lead to a firmer, stronger look appearance to the silhouette of the body.

Should I Get a Bra-line Back Lift?

Ideal candidates for the Bra-Line Back Lift are those with sagging skin caused by aging, sun exposure or massive weight loss such as that which occurs after bariatric surgery. While it is not for women only, men do not tend to develop sagging skin or back fat rolls from aging and sun exposure at the same rate as women do.

Bra-line Back Lift Chicago IL

Back Lift Procedure

This surgery is done using general anesthesia and takes 1 to 2 hours. An incision is made across the back, and excess folds and bulges of skin are removed. Most women find that the scar is easily hidden behind their bra or bathing suit and Dr. Wiener’s patients report significant improvements in their appearance – and their overall confidence.

Is the Procedure Painful?

The Bra-Line Back Lift is not overly-painful, but just like any other surgery, it may cause some slight pain or discomfort for patients. Patients may be given local anesthesia to undergo this procedure and to help with any soreness, tenderness, or pain post-procedure. After 24 hours, most patients are able to shower and return to normal movement.

Are There Any Risks With the Bra-line Back Lift?

Yes. Because the Bra-Line Back Lift is a surgical procedure, patients may experience a few side effects and risks during this procedure. They include:

  • Allergy to anesthesia
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Scarring
  • Redness
  • Soreness, tenderness

If you are taking medication, you should consult your doctor before you begin your Bra-Line Back Lift procedure to discontinue any medicines that may increase bleeding or make it difficult to heal after surgery. Despite these risks, Dr. Wiener draws upon his years of experience in plastic surgery to give patients a high-quality, comfortable, and safe experience during each procedure. Under his care, most side effects can be avoided and managed.


Post-operatively, patients will be given a form-fitting surgical garment to wear. For the next few weeks, most women prefer a comfortable bra with a wide transverse strap. After undergoing this surgery to remove back fat rolls, Dr. Wiener recommends that you avoid any vigorous exercise or heavy lifting for approximately 2 weeks. Most patients are able to resume their normal activity after 4 weeks.

Is It Possible to Combine the Bra-line Back Lift With Other Cosmetic Procedures?

Yes, it is possible to combine this procedure with procedures such as breast lifts, reductions, or augmentations to achieve a fully lifted look around your entire torso. Liposuction, in combination with the Bra-Line Back Lift, may also contribute to an overall contoured look. Click here to schedule a consultation with Dr. Wiener about your candidacy for multiple procedures.

Schedule a Consultation

Dr. Gregory Wiener proudly provides Chicago, IL with Bra-line Back Lift surgeries. Call 773.763.3990 to schedule an appointment or fill out a contact Form here!

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